
As moderator, partner, contributor and participant, we regularly participate in specialised fora and events with a focus on business and human rights just like on sustainability.

Cares Project at DFB Human Rights Congress

Cares Project at DFB Human Rights Congress

In a first of its kind Human Rights Congress, the German football federation (DFB) hosted a high level one-day event in Frankfurt/Main. As former adviser to DFB on human rights the Cares Project contributed to the event.

DFB Social Responsibility Dialogue Forum

DFB Social Responsibility Dialogue Forum

For its Dialogue Forum on Social Responsibility, German Football Federation DFB assembled experts from sustainability, human rights, and sport. Jonas Burgheim contributed for the Cares Project/Sport Cares.

Sporting Chance Forum 2019

Sporting Chance Forum 2019

Sporting Chance Forum 2019 held in Geneva under participation of Cares Project founder and director Jonas Burgheim.

OnHour UN Treaty Event

OnHour UN Treaty Event

At an OnHour event assembling experts on the UN Binding Treaty negotiations, Jonas Burgheim provided introductory remarks on UN (business and) human rights policies.