As moderator, partner, contributor and participant, we regularly participate in specialised fora and events with a focus on business and human rights just like on sustainability.
Analysis and Recommendations for Council of Europe
Jonas Burgheim presents core findings of Analysis and Recommendations Report for European Sports Charter (ESC) review process
Presentation at Council of Europe
Jonas Burgheim presents European Sports Charter impact assessment
Council of Europe: 70th Anniversary
Expert Event on Human Rights in Europe
NAP Dialogue Event
First NAP Dialogue Event hosted by German Foreign Office
Seminar on Human Rights and Sport
Interactive workshop co-moderated by Sport Cares founder and director
5th Forum for the Future: Making Globalisation Fair
Promoting sustainable supply chains: separate accountability – shared responsibility
Sporting Chance Forum 2018
Sport and its approach to human rights
United Nations Forum on Business and Human Rights 2018
Business respect for human rights – building on what works
German Gobal Compact Network Membership Conference
In an assembly of German business and policy experts, the German Global Compact Network addresses challenges and perspectives of responsible business conduct.