PolitiCares contributes to forward-looking and responsible policy-making just like its effective business implementation. As a service provider for decision-makers, we are committed to finding sensible solutions to complex challenges.
Sustainability and human rights are central elements of functioning societies. They are, therefore, increasingly addressed in politics and business.
To live up to our comprehensive approach, our services are diverse. They include concepts and guidance for your human rights and sustainability concept.
We strive to encourage co-operation and collaboration between compatible actors to create synergies and to trigger inter-institutional learning.
With recognised expertise in human rights, sustainability, government affairs and international relations we have built a track record of successful consultancy practice.
Human Rights Due Diligence in Practice
The following six questions on human rights due diligence are a starting point for your organisation to take action:
- Does your organisation have a human rights Policy Statement which has been approved by your most senior management?
- Have you reviewed which negative impacts on other persons’ human rights your organisation or your business partners may cause?
- Have you amended your business practice or procedures to avoid or reduce any negative impacts on other persons’ human rights?
- Do you regularly review the effectiveness of any new practices and procedures you have introduced in this regard?
- Do you regularly communicate publicly on how you address human rights impacts of your business activity?
- Have you established one, are you part of or do you support access to a remediation mechanism for cases where negative impacts on human rights are connected to your business activity?
The questions above are derived from the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP). The UNGP are the authoritative framework document on business and human rights accepted by UN member states in 2011. They encourage business enterprises “to draw on independent expert advice” with regard to human rights due diligence and they call on states to guarantee “policy coherence”. Our founder and director, Mr Jonas Burgheim, previously worked for the German federal government to transfer the UNGP to the national level.
We will be your independent expert who cares! For more information click here.