As one of 11 experts on the theme, Cares Project Founder and Director, Jonas Burgheim, has published in the German Journal for Human Rights (Zeitschrift für Menschenrechte, ZfMR) edition on Human Rights and Sport (2/2016).
In his article „Human Rights and Sport in the International Policy Arena“ Burgheim takes his readers on a tour d’horizon through exisiting human rights policy with a relevance for sports. He points to some of the most pressing and challenging themes in this policy area while creating an understanding for underlying processes. His particular focus is on the intersection of public and private interests and includes a strong call for a universal respect for human rights – including in sports. Burgheim also suggests paths of evolution in this field for the future.
The publication is available in an open access format at:
As a reference, please use:
Jonas Burgheim, Human Rights and Sport in the International Policy Arena, in: Journal for Human Rights/Zeitschrift für Menschenrechte 2/2016, pp. 26-43, Wochenschau Verlag, Schwalbach 2017
ISSN: 1864-6492
ISBN (electronic format): 978-3-7344-0435-1