A high level evaluation panel of research (policy) experts evaluated the performance of the Danish Council for Independent Research (Danmarks Frie Forskningsfond, DFF) and analysed the role and funtioning of DFF in the Danish research system. The evaluation was conducted on behalf of the Danish Ministry for Higher Education and Science and initiated by the Danish Parliament.
Cares Project Founder and Director, Jonas Burgheim, served as Academic Secretary of the evaluation panel and composed the report “Evaluation of the Danish Council for Independent Research – Report of the Evaluation Panel” in close exchange with the evaluators. A mix of methods was applied during the evaluation process: desk studies were conducted next to extensive personal interviews with researchers, leading representatives from Danish universities and other research bodies, from industry, private foundations, the board and the secretariat of DFF, as well as with the Danish Minister for Higher Education and Science, Ms Sofie Carsten Nielsen. Jonas Burgheim provided his services in close cooperation with the Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation. The study “Bibliometric Analyses of the scholarly and scientific output from grants funded by the Danish Council for Independent Research from 2005-2008” was produced to underpin the evaluation process.
Official information can be accessed at: https://ufm.dk/en/publications/2014/evaluation-of-the-danish-council-for-independent-research
As a reference, please use:
Ministry of Higher Education and Science, Danish Agency for Science,Technology and Innovation: Evaluation of the Danish Council for Independent Research – Report of the Evaluation Panel, Copenhagen, 2014
ISBN: 978-87-93151-30-7
ISBN (electronic publication): 978-87-93151-31-4
Date of Publication: 21 October, 2014
62 pages